Don't use words and phrases like these — they belittle Taiwan:
大陸 / the mainland
島嶼 / the island
兩岸 / the two sides
內地 / the interior
國語 / the national language (referring to Mandarin)
全省 / provincewide
外省/本省人 / people from outside/within the province
台灣省 / Taiwan Province
中華民國 / ROC
民國年 / ROC year
中國新年 / Chinese New Year
中華台北 / Chinese Taipei
台灣地區 / the Taiwan area
龍的傳人 / Descendants of the Dragon
炎黃子孫 / Descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors
我們中國人 / we Chinese
我們都是一家人 / we are all one family
Here is an editorial on choice of words and their affect.
1 comment:
國語 / the national language (referring to Mandarin)
This one always been a big hit on me : which one to use ? 中文?普通話?漢語?華語?I always thought best is just 中文 for 中國的語文. Because 普通話 sounds a bit like common language (who whom ?), 漢語 emphasis on the ethnic aspect of language and can be turned against Taiwan too, 華語 just seems archaic.
So your list is good, but you should offer best replacement for each of them ;-).
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